AGUAJE (Jungle Superfood)
AGUAJE (Jungle Superfood)
Agauje is pronounced “Ah – gua – hay”. This is the name in Peru, in the Brasillian Amazon its called “Buriti” and in other places, “Moriche Palm”. Aguaje is a reddy brown fruit with a scaly covering, and a deep yellow pulp inside. It is the fruit of a palm tree which grows all over the Amazon regions of Brasil and Peru. Aguaje is an extraordinary fruit, containing between 7 – 12 times the beta carotene of carrots, making it the most concentrated natural plant source of beta carotene (vitamin “A”) in the world. Also very high in: Iron-Fiber-Calcium-Vitamin C.
It is known that it contains considerable quantities of “phyto-hormones”. These are naturally occurring compounds that mimic the female hormones such as Oestrogen, in the human body. This means that consuming Aguaje can gently and naturally supplement these hormones and provide hormone support to women who are undergoing menaupause. Also, perhaps this fruit is also capable of helping women who want to benefit from the results of greater female hormones in the body and the resultant effects – such as increased breast, buttock and thigh size.
Agauje is part of the staple diet of millions of people in the Amazon regions of Peru, and who consume this fruit daily, both men and women. Aguaje oil is used by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon to protect the skin from sun damage.
Sold as a dehydrated pulp in 2 lbs. Bag